Monday, March 11, 2013

black bean brownies

Week two of no sugar and week three of running has me craving some chocolate in a major way.

But I didn't want to undo all my hard work so I tried making brownies without sugar. Well, not entirely. Just cut by two thirds.

I chose Joy the Baker's recipe for Triple Chocolate Black Bean Brownies, figuring you can't go wrong with a little bit of protein thrown in the mix. Unfortunately, they came out too dry and more cake-like than I like. I prefer a chewy fudgy brownie you can sink your teeth into. Even so, they were definitely chocolatey enough.

To relieve some of the dryness, and in honor of the upcoming green festivities, I tried to make a vegan mint frosting for them. Avocados were the base, of course, their being green and all, but as pretty as it was, it was a total disaster. You just can't hide the avocado flavor with mint extract and maple syrup, no matter how hard you try. I had to toss the entire batch. Sorry avocados.

So instead, I'll try some fruit compote on top. Might be nice.


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