Monday, February 18, 2013

harissa chili with chicken leftovers

I am a hopeful shopper. I walk the aisles looking for inspiration. Sometimes something I've been seeing around the cooking blogs, but know nothing about, will catch my eye. I bought a jar of harissa sauce this way, being completely clueless as to what it was. Do you do that too?

The jar has been sitting on my shelf for a month now waiting to be used. Some leftover chicken and the perennial, What are we doing for dinner? prompted me to search for a way to use it.

Harissa is a Tunisian hot chili sauce made form various hot peppers, garlic, and spices. I could have made it myself but it was infinitely easier to grab the jar and spoon out what I needed. It is spicy but also slightly sweet, with fishy undertones, perhaps due to the olives in my version.

I found this recipe, Chicken in Harissa Sauce



  1. Harissa is one of my favorite condiments! It's spicy without being too harsh. Great use of it!

    1. I actually bought the harissa to make a recipe of yours!
